Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pawan Kalyan's message

To all my friends,

As I sit and wonder how to begin communicating with you, after so many years of me being in the business of entertainment, I truly admit to hesitating and being consumed by a sense of confusion.

But then , as my thoughts clear, I also begin to realize that, like whatever else I have done in my life, be it professional or personal, I HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER opt out of a decision I have taken, once I have taken on the onus of doing it.

Likewise, my stand of communicating with you from today and henceforth will remain, at any cost, an integral part of me, right up to the day I breathe my last.

To explain my "silence" in as short a duration as I can , perhaps all these years, I just did not feel the need or the urgency to walk about things closest to my heart. I was always of the opinion, that you would see my work, and that work would in turn, speak for me. In short, my communication with you has been my work.

But like you, I too have traveled a road that has made me realize that both you and I are fellow travelers, bound together by my work and your acceptance and appreciation of it.

You, my dear friends, have been my steadfast followers and my true critics. And have through this journey, voiced your brickbats and your applause of what I have done. This for me has been proof enough that you must love me in order to travel with me, the path I have taken.

Of Course, there have been instances, when you have openly voiced your innermost feelings, asking me to deliver as an actor, in a certain manner and I may not have done so. I'd like to tell you, that it only stems from the fact that it is not something I could not do. It was something; I would not be able to do justice to, because it was not what I believed in.

Today, for me to be able to say this to you, is an indication of how far we have traveled and of how close we are with each other. It is today, that I feel that we have struck that deep chord of being able to be completely honest with each other. A chord that will doubtlessly, be tested by time, but something that I will never back away from… Ever!

I would, from now on, like to open my life for you. I would like to share my innermost thoughts and other intensely related issues that have all culminated and influenced me into becoming the human being that I am today.

But like so many other facts of my life, all of this will be communicated sometime in the near future.

So on this note, I begin and end my first communication with you. And promise you, that I will truly speak from the heart and expect you to do the same.

With love and believing the fact that the truth will always prevail between us, now and forever…
Yours, Pawan Kalyan

Original post at